Wirral's Hidden History Revealed

Wirral Archaeology

The Last Viking Raids on England

The Last Viking Raids on England were much later than most people think. The common conception is that following the defeat of Harold Hardrada at the battle of Stamford Bridge on the 25th of September 1066, is that the Viking threat ceased.

Illdulb Mac Causantin

Illdulb mac Causantin was a son of Constantine II, the Scottish King who had challenged Aethelstan at the battle of Brunanburh in 937 AD.

The Disaster of 839

A brief overview of who the Picts were and their demise as an Independent people.

The Battle of Cath Chluain Tarbh

The Battle of Cath Chluain Tarbh (Clontarf) APRIL 23RD 1014. The breaking of Viking power in Ireland. The battle of Clontarf is remembered in Ireland as the final event that freed the Irish from the foreign domination by the Norse of Dublin.

The Battle of Chester, 613 – 616

Aethelfrith can be considered as the first great King of Northumbria. He was one of the last northern pagan Kings and he was descended from a long line of warrior ancestors. He detested Christian priests and had a reputation of being ruthless with both them and his other enemies.

The Great Northumbrian Raid on Ireland

The Great Northumbrian Raid on Ireland Sub-Roman Britain saw the various peoples of Britain engaged in parochial warfare for centuries. The various Anglo-Saxon peoples, Picts, Scots of Dal Riata and Britons fought each other in an attempt to carve out their own Kingdoms. Alliances were made and broken with regularity as the powerful subdued the weak and an endless circle of violence…

The Battle of Hatfield

The Battle of Hatfield Penda of mercia, the last anglo-saxon pagan king and Cadwallon Ap Cadfan of Gwynedd meet Edwin of Northumbria at Haethfelth under the shadow of Sherwood Forest.

Somerled, Lord of the Isles

Somerled, Lord of the Isles Somerled, Lord of the Isles – The Gaelic-Norseman who broke the power of the vikings in western Scotland and the Western Isles History is often confusing and hard to follow. Such is the case pertaining to Somerled, known as Sumarlidhi Hold in the Gaelic tongue.

Nova Anglia

Nova Anglia As with many of the myths, legends, conflicting documentary evidence and disagreement between modern day historians and archaeologists pertaining to Anglo Saxon refugees fleeing England following the Norman conquest, the truth cannot be confirmed with any absolute certainty, but equally, therefore, cannot be dismissed or disproved.

The Battles of Maes Garmon

The Romano British defeat a force of Saxons & Picts 429 – 430 AD. In the confusion that followed the end of Roman Britain it is often difficult to establish fact from fiction. The records of the period, those that survive, are often difficult to verify and many of the sources are both contradictory and were not written by contemporary authors who…

The Battles Of Alfred The Great

The Great Heathen Viking army (mycel hæþen here) arrived in England in 865. This time the Vikings or Danes intended to stay and they were intent of carving out their own Kingdom.

Anglo Saxon Tribes & Clans

When the Germanic Anglo-Saxon tribes began to settle in what we now call England, they were a group of different peoples, namely Saxon, Angles and Jutes, who would in time be referred to as Anglo-Saxons. The tribal Hidage, a document or list, which was written between the 7th and 9th centuries, named 34 tribes.

The Saxon Seige Of Anderitum

By 490 AD, it had been 80 years since the Roman army had departed from the Province of Britannia. The Western Empire had officially dissolved some 15 years previously, when the Senate had sent the Imperial Regalia of Rome to the Eastern Emperor in Constantinople.

The Great Barbarian Conspiracy

Saxons, Scotti, Franks, Attacotti, Picts, Rebellious Britons & Renegade Roman Troops Overrun Hadrians Wall & Attack The Province Of Britannia.

The Viking Raid on Lindisfarne

The monastery at Lindisfarne was the pre-eminent religious centre in Northumbria and was acknowledged as such throughout the Kingdom’s of Anglo-Saxon England.